Glencore Address ESG Factors and Gender Equality in Mining at DRC Mining Week Conference

The company wants to see more women join the mining sector and is trialling a number of approaches to improve gender diversity across its operations. Its sustainability framework is focused on four core pillars: health, safety, environment, and social performance and human rights.

Through the combined ‘Cahiers des Charges’ of the Kamoto Copper Company S.A (KCC) – a partnership with Gécamines – and Mutanda Mining SARL (MUMI) – in which the DRC Government owns 5%, Glencore expects social investment in the DRC to increase to over US$50 million over the next five years.

Glencore, a global diversified natural resource company and producer of copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), was pleased to take part in this year’s DRC Mining Week, with representatives joining various panel discussions covering topics such as ‘Making mining safer for women: A crucial factor in integration and social inclusion’ and ‘Environmental, Social and Governance Factors: Planning future events today’.

Clint Donkin, Head of Glencore Copper Africa said, “Glencore believes that a diverse and inclusive culture is crucial to helping grow the business and attract, develop and retain talent. A diverse workforce strengthens our culture and our ability to deliver our business objectives. Specifically, we want to see more women join the mining sector.

Like many of our industry peers, Glencore is trialling a number of approaches to improve gender diversity across the business. We want to encourage more women to enter the industry by creating an inclusive culture, and by being a great place to work – for all.”

Glencore DRC President Marie-Chantal Kaninda, caired a panel discussion focused on ESG factors and the overall impact of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and said, “Glencore’s sustainability framework – focused on four core pillars: health, safety, environment, and social performance and human rights – supports us in gathering data and reporting on sustainability risks, opportunities, and performance to inform business strategy. Our approach is to integrate sustainability throughout our business.”

In conclusion, Kaninda said, “Across the business, we take our responsibilities to our people, to society and to the environment seriously, and are committed to aligning our activities with the relevant international standards. DRC Mining Week offers our industry the opportunity to not only focus on the most pressing issues facing our sector, but to also seek out the most productive, collaborative solutions.”



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