GoviEx unveils two ESG project at Muntanga

GoviEx Uranium Inc. has launched education programs – the Back to School Project and GoviEx’s Youth Trainee Program in the vicinity of its Muntanga Project.

The two initiatives were born out of GoviEx’s commitment to local employment and local development. This comes after the company had recognized the challenges in hiring local talent due to a lack of formal education and has taken a proactive step towards addressing this issue.

By equipping the community with the necessary literacy and numeracy skills, GoviEx aims to unlock the full potential of the local workforce, enabling them to actively participate in the development of the economy.

“As part of our commitment to ESG and specifically local employment, we recognize the low levels of literacy in the project area and want to address this challenge by supporting an initiative that would provide educational opportunities for adults who have not had access to formal education and youngsters who would like to further their education via a traineeship.

Our plan is that this will feed into employment opportunities during the development of our Muntanga project,” said Daniel Major, Chief Executive Officer of GoviEx Uranium.

The Back to School Project is an adult education initiative run in partnership with the District Education Board Secretaries (DEBS) for the Siavonga and Chirundu Districts. It will focus on providing educational opportunities for adults who may not have had previous access to formal education.

In addition, GoviEx’s Youth Trainee Program is taking another step forward in empowering local youth by funding the tuition, boarding and upkeep of an initial six students from three communities in the areas around the Muntanga Project. The students started courses in Mechanics, Power

Electrical and Plumbing at the Lusaka Vocational Training College this May. This is in addition to two Community Health Assistants students that GoviEx is currently sponsoring at Mwachisompola College of Health Sciences in Chibombo.

Since it started operations, GoviEx has built or contributed to the construction of five schools in five different communities along its project area. The initiatives form part of GoviEx’s wider ESG strategy and commitment towards local development and employment.


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