The Zambian Mining magazine and Specialised Exhibitions have entered into a media partnership during the Copperbelt Mining and Trade Expo and Conference earmarked for Kitwe in April this year.
The trade and expo conference, which has attracted more than 1,500 mining experts globally, will be held in Kitwe, Zambia’s oldest mining hub from April 28-29.
Under the partnership, the country’s famed, Magazine is will receive full recognition as a media partner on relevant promotional material for print and online news coverage, mining magazine will have the exclusive right to distribute copies of the magazine and other promotional materials at the two-day event.
The partnership entails Zambian mining magazine marketing and editorial staff, access to the event while the magazine will also provide hyperlink on its website to participant’s websites bearing its logo with a 50 word description.
The partnership further will entail the provision delegates’ bag inserts of the Zambian Mining Magazine and will provide a complimentary conference pass for each of the participant’s representatives.
The specialized exhibitions will be entitled to receive guaranteed editorial exposure on the company’s announcements page of the Zambian mining magazine; All press releases will be submitted to Arnold Chinyemba at email address; and will be uploaded.
There will be probable editorial coverage in the main body of the magazine and upon this timeous submission of press releases, or after the writing up and clearance of relevant interviews, editorial coverage shall be considered by the editors for onward publication.
Such articles shall be published provided they have news value in the opinion of the Zambian mining magazine.
The partnership also entails that there will be guaranteed listing of the event in the “what’s on” column-print and online, the statement added.
These columns serve to inform the readers of upcoming conferences, exhibitions and training courses. The Logo of CBM-TEC will be placed on the website, linking to
The top African copper producer has been accorded the opportunity to host various experts in the sector during the occasion to held at Mist Gardens in Kitwe, one of Zambia’s oldest mining towns.
Participants are expected to interact and share various business networking opportunities for mining service related companies on the continent through trade expos, workshops, exhibitions and a conference over two days.
The gathering dubbed; ‘Technical Leadership in Mining and Energy’ will be held under the auspices of Spintelligent, a subsidiary of Montgomery Group Company of the United Kingdom, Electra Mining Africa exhibition in Johannesburg, South Africa, and IPad.
The meeting will ostensibly seek to assist in the creation of synergies among experts in the African mining sector.
They further aim at addressing and exploring various dynamics and ways of maximising on the mineral potential endowed by the Copperbelt, Zambia’s mining hub and its accessibility to foster business growth.