Mine Unions react to Mopani’s newsflash

The pronouncement of two major shafts in Kitwe scheduled for closure by Mopani Copper Mines has not been welcomed by the Mine Unions in the country as over two thousand job losses will be the outcome.

Speaking at a joint Media briefing at Katilungu House in Kitwe on the Copperbelt, Mine Unions strongly condemned the move and have since urged Mopani to redeploy the affected miners.

National Union of Miners and Allied Workers (NUMAU) President James Chansa supposed that Mopani should not be allowed to maximize profits at the expense of Zambians.

Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) President Joseph Chewe called for inclusion of stakeholders on the technical team to establish whether it’s true that the shafts have outlived their usefulness.

The United Mineworkers Union of Zambia (UMUZ) President Wisdom Ngwira said it is the duty of Mopani to look into the welfare of the miners who have built the company to where it is today.

According to information obtained from Mopani, the Mindola and Central shafts have become costly to operate.

The mining giant wants to concentrate on SOB, new Minola and Mufulira where it has invested less labour intensive equipment.

Meanwhile, MUZ has assured mine workers across the country that the challenges at both Konkola Copper Mines-KCM and Mopani Copper Mines-MCM will not dilute the country’s potential to grow the industry.

Mr. Chewe alluded that activities at both mines is a minor obstacle aand will not significantly affect the growth of the economy.

MUZ President has instead urged union members to ensure that the country benefits largely from its mineral wealth.


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