New x-ray facilities for Konkola

As part of effort to speed up radiological diagnostic services for the Konkola Copper Mines medical services, the company has commissioned new x-ray medical facilities at it Nchanga South Hospital.

Valued at US$135 000, the facilities will serve a catchment population of over 63 000 in four towns – Chililabombwe, Chingola, Kitwe and Nampundwe.

Commissioning the facilities, Mary Chibesa Chingola District Commissioner said the facilities would not only benefit mine employees.

“My government appreciates the long standing relationship with Konkola Copper Mines and it is our desire to sustain this mutual cooperation aimed at improving the quality of life of the Zambian people,” she said.

Enock Mponda acting Konkola Copper Mines Chief Executive Office said the company is committed to the health and safety of its employees.

He said the company would continue to ensure that the health and safety of its workforce remained paramount, as it embarks on its rigorous growth plan.

“The health and safety of our people is the number one priority for management”.

“By firstly providing our employees with the best possible health care and ensuring that everyone is healthy and well, only then can we can focus on growing production and taking Konkola Copper Mines to even greater heights,” Mponda said.

Edward Chilekwa, Konkola Copper Mines Manager for Medical Services said the x-ray machine is something the company has been looking forward to.

“I am positive that this upgrade will enable our staff to serve patients in much more efficient manner,” said Dr. Chilekwa.


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