Now legal to pan for gold – Chilufya

Government has announced intentions to issue two-year permits to small scale gold panners.

The development comes, following the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development’s (MMMD) plans to make legal the ancient method of gold mining.

Willy Chilufya, Head of Mineral Economics at MMMD recently declared that issuing gold panning certificates in an effort to promote and legalise small-scale gold mining has a started.

The move is to formalise small-scale mining and processing of gold in Lufunsa, Vubwi, Lwano and Petauke where gold deposits have been found in streams.

“The gold panning certificate is valid for two years after issuance and is basically meant to give rights to Zambian citizens and cooperatives who want to pan for gold,” Chilufya said.

The Ministry sought inputs from various stakeholders before making a decision on small scale panning.

Chilufya said the ministry consulted – the Zambian Revenue Authority, the Ministry of Commerce, the Bank of Zambia and ZCCM-IH to understand the potential that small-scale gold miners may have to create meaningful jobs and contribute to government treasury.

“This team has given us findings and recommendations that will serve as a strategy going forward as regards to gold panning and trading in Zambia.

As a Ministry our thought is to have a formal system that will enable gold panners to sell gold to us so that it can sit as a government reserve in the central bank.”

Chilufya said the panning certificate is currently being issued at the Mineral Economics office at the offices of the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development in Lusaka.

“It is being issued electronically through the Mining Cadastre Administration System (MCAS), a web-based mining rights cadastre system that has been put in place by our partners, the European Union.

The requirements for one to get a gold panning certificate are very simple. One just has to fill in a form, bring a tax clearance, Identification and they are good to go,” Chilufya said.


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