Afrique Nama Mining Limited (ANML) has announced intentions to develop a US$10 million cobalt mine in Mushindano district.
ANML has submitted an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) ahead of the development.
The project is to construct a mineral processing plant to process copper sulphides and cobalt-based ores and meet demand for cobalt products.
“The mine will comprise of an open-pit mine and a metallurgical processing plant with a total capital investment of about US$10 million,” reads part of the EIA report.
ANML said the project is expected to create about 300 direct jobs and further support about 500 people indirectly.
In addition, the operation will use an established open-pit mining and mineral processing technology and about 750, 000 tonnes of cobalt ore will be produced annually.
On social-economic fronts, the project will increase government revenue and enhance industrial and infrastructure development.
Other benefits include increased production of cobalt needed for the Zambian industry, increased business opportunities through procurement of goods and services.
However, the project has the potential to pollute the air, reduced access to farms and worksites, and community disruption by non-local construction workers.