Zesco to end power imports from Mozambique

Zesco intends to end emergency power imports from Mozambique in the first quarter of next year, officials from the company have revealed.

Webster Musonda, Zesco Director of Transmission said power generation had improved to meet the utility company’s requirements.

“By and large we will be able to meet our own demand and firm imports will end by the first quarter of next year but we are still in a position to procure on a non-firm basis,” Musonda said.

Victor Mundende, Zesco managing director said the company would not ration electricity as the country has enough water to generate power at its hydroelectric dams

Maximum national power demand currently stands at 2 030 MW, against total national installed capacity of just under 2 400 MW.

The country’s electricity deficit rose to 1 000 MW in 2016 as the nation cut hydropower generation due to falling water levels as drought hit the region.


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