Collum mine operations halt

OPERATIONS at Collum Coal Mine which government recently seized have grounded to a halt, chief Sinanzongwe confirmed yesterday. ZCCM are already at the site [ but nothing is happing]. I went to the site to go and see… [ and found that] the mine is not in operation,” chief Sinanzongwe said.

Collum miners last week expressed concern about the future of the mine as nothing seemed to be moving since the takeover last month.

The halting of operations at the mine has also forced Collum Coal Mine’s regular customers to go without coal.

The government cancelled all three licences held by Collum Coal Mine.

Mines minister Yamfwa Mukanga, who announced the cancellations, said the mine had a poor safety, health and environmental record.

“Collum Coal Mine has failed to consistently provide employees with approved personal protective equipment” he told journalists.

He added that the mine did not have emergency medical treatment facilities such as ambulances or a first- aid station underground.

He said the government would “continue operating them until a suitable investor is found”.

Collum mine has been at the centre of controversy since 2010.

A Zambian miner was charged with the murder of a Chinese supervisor at the Collum mine last year.

In 2010, Chinese managers shot at protesting miners.


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