KCM implements the outsourcing program

Konkola Copper Mines -KCM- has started handing over more than four thousand miners to a private Chinese investor JHX and many others.

All the miners at Konkola Shaft three in Chililabombwe have been handed over to JHX under the outsourcing business development model the mine is implementing in a move that has been objected by government and stakeholders in the mining sector.

The mine has also written to unions in all its facilities on its intentions to proceed with outsourcing, a move it says will create more jobs and bring in one billion US dollars’ worth of investments.

Mine Workers Union of Zambia -MUZ- president Chishimba Nkole says all the 4,000 miners at Shaft three and four in Chililabombwe, leaching plant and Nchanga open pit in Chingola will be handed over to private contractors.

Mr. Nkolewho is also Zambia Congress of Trade Unions president has told ZNBC News in Kitwe that KCM will only remain with 5-hundred workers out of a work force of 4-thousand 5 hundred and 96.

The MUZ president is disappointed that KCM has gone ahead and outsourced the management of the mine despite several calls from government and stakeholders in the extractive sector not to do so.

He says the decision by KCM to handover labour to JHX and other Contractors compromises the decent work agenda being pursued by the PF government.

The MUZ president notes that the move by KCM is a deliberate ploy to relegate miners to abject poverty.


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